Oh god, Ive seen that thing too!

What do you drive ?

this school is a joke

Haha you at south?

no im at the west hills center in oakdale

the automotive programs are actually really good. academics are fucking horrible tho…fuck it one semester left

white grand prix, lowered some tint and dirtier than a 2 dollar whore

that car must get around then since I’m out at west

yea they dont look too bad…but the teachers i have are horrible. they really dont know what the hell they are even doing most of the time.

im at cack now!

i have one academic class right now, technical communications. i swear its the most wacked out class I’ve been in since i started, the teacher seriously has to be a huge burnout. i can’t understand what’s going thru this instructors head, i don’t know how to explain it

do you have Carl or Scott? I went there for a few semesters, it was ridiculously boring. Carl knows his shit, but he’s a little out there.


yeah those are the 2 chrysler instructors, carl’s a good guy but you’re right he’s a little out there. I’m in the ford program myself, this is my last semester