CEL for Cat. Converter

Ok so for christmas my car ( 01 niss. altima) decided to give me a check engine light. When i pulled the code it came back as catalitic converter bad/ defective. Before that happend i was getting a sulfury smell and knew something was going on with it but wasnt 100% sure. After making a few phone calls to several places i learned that my car appearently has 2 converters. One is located by the manifold From what I was told and the other one is the usual mid- pipe placement. The upper convert. is what ive been told a part thats about 500-700 (according to the dealership) , the rear one is the 200 which i know is about the average for it. My question i guess is how can i determine what one is putting out the code? And Are there any local shops that wont rip me a new asshole as far as repair goes>?
Keep it on topic please , I dont feel like reading through multiple posts of non related answers.


its prob not the actual cats but the o2 sensors that are in them

cat is done for if he smells sulfur. take it to a shop and they will tell you the same

i would say its the cat

probably gonna be the rear cat … it has the o2 located right in the middle of the cat

If its giving you a code, it should tell you bank 1 or 2 and tell you sensor 1 or 2. That should tell you which one it is correct?

Also you could take it apart and see if either of them is plugged or if the brick inside has crumbled.

Just some thoughts.

Another thought… start with the rear one, take a piece of rebar/pipe and knock out the stuff in the cat. You will then have to run an antifouler/spacer or o2 simulator on the rear sensor this way it does not throw a code.

then if that does not work… you know its the front one and you could clean that one out, no matter.

I have no cats on my evo, and with an 02 sim or antifoulers, its just fine :slight_smile:


What do you have to scan codes?

Thinking about this more, just pull them both off, clean out both cats (its a little bit of work, bashing the insides out) then just mod the rear o2 sensor (the tattle tale senor of the 2 sensors).

All this assuming you will be able to get at the front cat also.


with jeller on this one, went to autozone and picked up the HELP! antifoulers

$3 bucks and 1 year later still no CEL :lol:

The only issue I have had with the foulers, is that it casued the o2 sensor end wiring to hit/rub the floor and eventually killed the wires. But Other than that, the foulers have worked great on 3 of my past cars for 60K +


I used one of my buddys tools to get the code , It didnt say bank 1 or 2. And as far as pulling it out and bangin out the shit on the inside may not really be an option that i can do as im without a garage to work on it in. So I might be forced into taking it into a shop to just “see” whats wrong with it. Im hoping it the rear cat/ or just a sensor because a $200 ish repair is something i can swallow at this moment, and $500+ repair is something i cant. So But ill look into it more and see if i cant find someone with a better scan tool that might be able to point out bank one or two. But if anyone has got a good scan tool and some free time let me know, I want to hook it up again soon now just to see if it does note a 1/2.

ah, i rigged mine up so it wouldnt hit/rub like your saying. once i seen that there was no way i could leave it like that

Got to autozone, they will scan it for free, any autozone. Just ask them, they do it all day.

Mine was close… didnt think it would, but 55k later… it poped an 02 code last week. Sure enough, one of the heater wires wore through, and in an unrepairable spot :banghead: And FYI dammm are the 02’s expensive for front or rear…$245 ish for the direct fit-plug and play. $60 Univerasal bosch 02 for the rear sensor is cool with me :wink:


muffler man will have the fairest price for you

You should try one of the local unregistered/backyard shops around here. They come highly recomended especially for brake work etc…