Cell phone v. Microwave (Good fashizz)

Check it

Cell v. Microwave



Tries it

Didn’t work for me :frowning:

Your cell phone didn’t grow into a monster in the microwave scary enough to make me want to call the Ghostbusters? What a shame. Glad you’re still alive though. ;D

Haha, sadly no. It woulda made a great pet. Fuck guard dogs.

yea who needs a guard dog when you have a cellphone attack monster

On any other forum I wouldn’t have to say this…

but it’s fake.


Hence the sarcasm in my last post. ;D

Hence me joking the entire time.

Well Jake, I should hope you wouldn’t willingly destroy your phone and/or microwave. :nono :haha

Haha, I wouldnt destroy my current phone. But I’m sure some drunk night I’ll find it a good idea to put my old one in there.

My old one just died so we can try it out sometime. What’s really going to make me shit is if that were to actually happen…I’m pretty sure I would scream like a little girl.

Pretty sure I would too. Then I’d grab the nearest heavy object.

So kids, what have we learned today…






lol is that a pizza specific microwave?


And that’s why it should not be used for cell phones. :tong