A Noble death v. cell phone

Long story short… this phone had pissed me off. Today, it recieved a dignified death.






That is all. Great stress reliever. I feel better now.


you have some anger issues… you should seek some professional help.

gun woulda been much cooler :tup:

beaming it against the wall would have made me feel better

pour some liquor for the homies that have passed. :frowning:


beaming it against the wall would have made me feel better


i did that several times, it still worked though.

I was hoping for kerplunk


:slight_smile: I like to break phones too … then make the boyfriend buy me blackberrys

It had a good run…

shoudda taken a 12gau. to it at point blank range

it may still work …good job

[quote=“Toda Party,post:11,topic:38811"”]

shoudda taken a 12gau. to it at point blank range


I hear that works good on lug nuts too

i think it was a user problem…it wasnt the phones fault. you should have jumped with the phone in your pocket.

I’m glad you didn’t drop the camera by accident


thank god.

it’s about damn time…

that phone looked like death for the longest time


I was hoping for kerplunk


I thought it was goin for a swim too!

and a gun would of been fun too

I hope the new phone seen what happens if you act up. I did that to an alarm clock that didn’t wake me up 3 mornings in a row. The “new” one is now 15 years old and still behaves :wink:


I have a blackberry that is up for a similar fate if anyone is interested in coming up with something cool.

why not just sell it for $50?