dont you know that all the fly homies have bluetooth phones that they can keep wherever and then just have their wireless headset on at all times!
Oh, and Im in the market for a new celly too, what does the Pittspeed suggest?
dont you know that all the fly homies have bluetooth phones that they can keep wherever and then just have their wireless headset on at all times!
Oh, and Im in the market for a new celly too, what does the Pittspeed suggest?
taht buldge in my pants isnt all god given, the last 2 inches are my phone, the first 8 were me :hitit:
pocket…i got a pda phone so its thinner then a flip and i just put it in my back pocket, front pocket, etc…
i would carry in my hand all day before clipping to my belt
OK - i’ll get with the times and forget the belt clip, thanks pittspeed for making me a little less gay today
do what you want bro…i’m just giving you my opinion/preference.
If you would get over your burning desired to fellate large african men, that would be even more of a step towards making you less gay!
I only told a few people that fantasy, and it wasn’t african men it was large white maxima drivers from kittanning. :gaysex:
If you get a phone from a provider that has a Nokia phone as an option, get it. I swear by Nokia battery life, durability, ease of use, and all other Nokia pimpness. Other phones may have more functions and “kewler” designs, but Nokias have never let me down.