CF Needed

Hey does anyone know where I can obtain some CF and the resin required? Preffer something localy but cost is a factor so not too picky.

I have a friend here in Rochester that has a lot of it. He does some custom work with it. What do you need?

Ill be ordering some soon. I’m investing in a vacuum forming set. I’m starting out with fiberglass cause its cheep as hell, then moving up from there. Once i have it figured out I’m going to start working out the best process for making good structurally sound pieces.

I’ll be sourcing my CF from TAP plastics online. (

Which one are you getting and from where? Price?

I’m still looking around. But there is a bag kit for about $300 with pump. Its really only the pump thats been a pain in the ass to find. Well and foam to make a few molds I want to custom make. But I think I’m just gonna get insulating foam and glue it together.

Where did you find the bag kit Drexial? I’m axctually starting off with the same route FG than CF. Its been a while since I have done any FG so Im rusty as all hell. In all honesty im starting back up from step one. Also what would be better. A piece in a vaccum bag or a vacum chamber? Hell a vac chamber isnt too hard to make. BTW have you considered a refrigiration vac as a vacum source? There are also aviation companies that supply different types of vac pumps for avionics, but i believe those guys are a lot less powerfull than whats desired.

its good for small to medium size pieces. nothing like hoods or anything.

Vacuum bagging pulls the bags together, so the bag presses the CF/FG into the mold firmly. I don’t think a vacuum chamber has the same effect.

The only thing I’ll be adding to this kit is a paint can filter. To take the fumes from the resin, so it doesn’t mess up the motor and takes most of it out of the air. I’m also using hefty stretching garbage bags for the vacuum bags. The ones they say are puncture resistant.


Hah. Funny you say that actually. I picked up a e46 not too long ago and a friend of mine told me to check out his lafmobile. Needless to say I was more than impressed and after placing the lafmobile on my desktop for inspiration I tried to PM him but the PM program told me that his box was full. So i figured he either has a filter to prevent people like me from harrasing him or his box was just full. But ya Id love to pick the dude’s brain if he’d let me.

Pics of this lafmobile?

Umm im sure if you look up some of his posts you can find it. Its not too insane or overdone wich is exatly what I like. Classy and stealthy.