does anyone know how i can change a music file to an mp3? i want to upload my bands music to myspace but i dont know how to convert it?
its a window media audio file now. thanx in advance!
there is no program that i have found for free anyways that will let you convert a WMA to anything
microsoft has not sold the license to do that so as far as i know i think your stuck with it.
or you can burn it to a cd
then just rip the cd try that?
i burned the cd and then ripped it but thats how its coming up?
there are about… 123o1723891728937 million programs that will rip right to mp3… i’m pretty sure itunes will be you have to dick with the settings…
Goldwave in conjunction with LAME will do it.
Yea i had this same problem anad i downloadeeda few programs and it would only let me convert like 10-15 songs. Then i would have to redownload it and do it again.
I’ve never used it (only run Windows at work) but check out:
i use mediacoder, best out there.
thanx , but i dont know what i am doing . i tried but i suck at this kinda thing. can anyone do this for me if i email you the songs . there only 3-4 of them.
yeah email them to me
ill do them