CHARITY RAFFLE, S13 BLACKTOP/ $500 free dyno time from U2N !

Ok, This is gonna be a load of work, but i think its worth it …

Im gonna raffle a blacktop s13 sr20det motor set.
I need 28 people at 100 bucks each. =$2800 total

$500 will be donated to sick kids hospital by me, on behalf of the community. I will scan the paperwork from them and post it up on here as soon as this is over with. I would like to have this raffle somewhere in mississauga, before, or the week of xmas so everyone thats wants to has one month, to come up with 100 bucks.

I hope this works out, it will be a great achievement for our club if it does…

Not to mention, one lucky person gets a blacktop motorset from me for just 100 bucks !

Just so all of u know, there is absolutely zero profit in this, im taking time out of my busy schedule to organise this so we can get some money into the hands of the hospital for the sick kids…

Payments must be made to me in cash, ASAP…
raffle can be held at a time/location that we all agree upon.


Happy 240sx( DAN PYE ) From U2NDYNO.COM has decided to throw in $ 500 of free dyno time to the person who wins this motor set !!!

please write down ure name and phone number when this list begins below…

Thanks in advance…


This might be a good idea…depends on how many ppl are into it.

If not maybe going to a smaller priced item?

Think of it as donating to sick children, who can say no to sick children?

  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)

If i had a car to put this in I’d do it.

I think what your doing is amazing. I know how busy you are man, and taking out time from your shcedule is an achievment on its own. But what your doing is realy respectful, and in the name of the most disrespectful website on the net, thats awesome man!!!

BIG ups!!!

I can easily say no to this, as follows.

Say 15 people sign up for this and each toss in thier $100, that covers $1000 for the prize, and $500 for the kids, thats fine.

now say 30 people sign up for this. That’s $500 for the kids, and $2500 to cover the prize, hmm seems like the kids are getting shafted a bit.

Now take 52 people (unlikely but possible) That’s still $500 for the poor kids, and $4700 in someones pocket.

Perhaps this should be changed to a percentage, rahter than a flat rate for the kids with a minimum of $500 donated.

so $500 plus a % of the total collected. Seems a little more charitable.

How can you possible sit here and critique what Varun is trying to do.

If you’d bother to read then you would know that the intent of this raffle is to get $500 to Sick Kids.

In order to do that Varun has started a raffle that has 28 spots available…this covers his cost and make’s $500 that will be used as a charitable donation.

It couldn’t be more simple.

  • If 15 people sign up = there is no raffle
  • If 28 people sign up = there is a raffle, somebody get’s a motor set and $500 in dyno time, and Sick Kids gets $500
  • If more people sign up = this option doesn’t exist because once 28 people state interest, Varun closes the raffle and then collects $100 from everyone.

Now scribbles, if you really wanted to be helpful, what you should have done is donated some labour time to install the motor into the lucky winners car. That would have been the RIGHT thing to do…not to come here and try to twist it.

So what do you say…MSSC donates $500 in labour to install this motor?

if you guys need 1 more person at the end then im in

yea, thanks for ure post Dan…

I want to make this even more clear, the raffle closes at 2800 !!!

I will not accept any more then 2800 dollars for this, the odds will remain at 1/28 no matter what.


  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)

i’m interested but i won’t be around at the time, i have the $100 so i can meet up and deliver it. What happens if you draw a name and the person is not there? you re-draw?

no, we will wait till he can collect his item…
no re drawing…

i am not collecting the money from anyone untill i have the 28 people…

If your out of town, then i will collect ure money b4 u go, and if it gets cancelled u pick it up from me when you are back…

  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)
  5. Grimace (Thomas - 416-464-8755)

People need to get into this!!

why not. help the sick kids and win a blacktop :smiley:

  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)
  5. Grimace (Thomas)
  6. Mamba (Roman) - 613 - 226-3402

hope its not a big deal that i live in ottawa. :smiley: i dont my a roadtrip :D:D

  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)
  5. Grimace (Thomas)
  6. Mamba (Roman)
  7. JamesS
  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)
  5. Grimace (Thomas)
  6. Mamba (Roman)
  7. JamesS
  8. jstn (Justin - 416 648 3979)
  1. Logik23 (Jonathan - 514-298-2090)
  2. Happy240sx
  3. Roast (Richard)
  4. Spoyman (Johnnie - 416-902-7769)
  5. Grimace (Thomas)
  6. Mamba (Roman)
  7. JamesS
  8. jstn (Justin - 416 648 3979)
  9. enyaw (Wayne)

Ill think about it too, ifyou need people at the end jsut like nelly.