CHARITY RAFFLE, S13 BLACKTOP/ $500 free dyno time from U2N !

thats a good point , actually.

the ballets should say name AND son alias.

great idea, for sure, the ballets will have both nameand son alias, i will ask any random jack astors waitress to pull the ballet …

motor can be picked up from my place the same night, or i can get someone to deliver it for a small fee to wherever its got to go.


although i didnt buy a ticket,

i just wanted to say good luck to everyone.

the winner couldnt start off the new year any better.

I’ll be there with my truck :slight_smile:

Me too.

I’m hoping to be there. There’s some rumours around work that I may have to work sunday.

ill be there also


I’ll be late, when is the draw?

630 we can meet, eat , drink w/e…
im guessing approx 8pm we can pull the ballet?

I’ll be there between 7:30-8:00pm, please wait for me, i want to put my ballet in the hat/bowl.


ill probly be there at 6:30. i probly gotta pick up another day. but i dont live 2 far from u varun

paranoid? :smiley:

that’s normally how a draw works, everyone gets an equal size ballet, they write their own details on the ballet and put their own ballet in the “hat”.


after the ballet, everyones ballets are handed back to them, just to prove they were there to begin with and the “hat” is turned upside down to prove there were no extras.

either way proves everything anyone could possibly be worried about.

I was just talking to Farmer about this last night. I think this is pretty exciting. I think it will be fun to see someone win over $3,000 in prizes…

I bet y’all discussed how fun it would be to see 27 people lose too!! LOL

John, yes, i’m paranoid.

I can’t believe the aliens abducted you… to bad about the anal probing… poor, poor john!

no need to worry, this should be a fair raffel right?lol

I’m pretty sure it will be… but if you don’t trust it, you can always bring your lawyer =)

So I don’t need to worry about alien abductions?

I demand there be a video camera with a live feed to my phone! :stuck_out_tongue:

hey guys, the reservation at jack astors has been made under my name ( varun ) for 630 pm …