Check out our newest member!

I was browsing and noticed the newest member thing.

Check out this dudes name

It’s like a graphic, wth?

Personally, I say we keep him if it’s a bot. He’s pretty awesome.

LOL @ graphic

半醉人间 so, anyone know what this says?

半醉人间 means semi person

半醉人间= semi-醉 person-间

thats all i could find, i think its meant to say half-man-half-robot

半醉人间 is basically the name of a chinese film called Cocktail.
It was realesed in 2006, written by: Cheung Pan, and Directed by: Herman Yau Lai-To & Longisland So.
It was basically one of the best underappreciated movie out of Hong Kong.

info below

As for the “new memeber” that has this name, lol, iuno. Just call him “Cocktail”

hacknick must be a fob

ROFL! , im actually just a very interesting black guy:p

Oh Noes Black Peeples!!!

+2 for being black…

lol am I missing something here??
a black guy watching chinese movies? Im guessing your girls chinese?

Hide you T.V’s and keep the lights on, they can be stealthy. haha

ROFL, you could say that my taste in cars are the same with women. Nothing but asian :cool:

yellow fever anyone :wink: ?

I see this threat going bad fast:fruit:

I have the same taste in cars, but for girls its gotta be this---->…LOL


LOL goood choice my friend good choice