Check points

uncle jim beam is pretty damn good too, they’re pretty closely related.

Checkpoints are a bunch of fucking Bullshit. If they REALLY want to catch drunk drivers, then get the fuck out on the road and catch them. Park 1/4 mile from the major bars/clubs and just watch, the drunk drivers will be damned obvious. Instead, these douche bags set up fucking road blocks and hand out 30-50 tickets per night and catch MAYBE 1-2 suspected intoxicated drivers. No, i do not drive drunk. No, i have never been through a checkpoint, but they are just plain wrong. They are more about raising money than actually getting drunk drivers off the road. Read the reports on what kind of citations are handed out at one of these things, you will see what i mean.
Fuckers.:madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk:

:boink you’re right about these points, except in our society it’s not OK to entrap (sitting outside a bar is entrapment) but it’s OK to inconvenience everyone else equally and get less results. Like at a checkpoint.

As for a money generating entreprise, yeah, stuff like motorcycle and car emissions are definitely a racket. And inspection practices are also a bit lax at some of the shady “lick-'em-and-stick-'em” inspection centers. But, if we put car alcohol-immobilizers on every car (and motorcycle?), it would be Un-American, right? Where’s the fine line between public outcry and big brother? I think checkpoints are a “fair” compromise in the scope of the aforementioned extremes, but I agree they’re unconstitutional according to the 4th Amendment. A checkpoint that is in place where everyone is stopped is no better than Nazi Germany (Paperssss Pleassse!).

EXACTLY! Only at a checkpoint, are you presumed guilty, until you can prove yourself to be innocent. Otherwise, why are you being stopped? They presume you are drunk, and if you can prove you are not, then you are permitted to go.
Police on patrol is the most effective way of combatting drunk drivers. Unmarked cars will catch more drunks than the NAzi checkpoints.

actually the checkpoints are released to the media now, Because people were bitching about it being against thier rights.

It just means they only catch dumb/illiterate/underinformed criminals if they announce it and cleverly try to sidestep the 4th Amendment by means of public and pre-disclosed knowledge of said illegal checkpoints?

And, thanks to your post, the Pittspeed community is at least not the “underinformed” class of criminals! :slight_smile:

(Shag…I’m not being a smart ass here, but Thanks! It’s good that we all are looking out for each other’s well being at a certain level.)

Announcement or not, it’s still a violation of the spirit and wording of the document. It’s just that less people will bitch if it’s disclosed, whether they understand the 4th Amendment or not. That’s why they still do it and less people bitch. If they want a national drunk driving law, it should be an amendment and ratified.

Our duly voted-in representatives should modify the documents by creating an Amendment further defining that…

In the interest of public safety and well-being, an exception to the clause of the 4th Amendment describing unreasonable search shall be allowable if the harm caused by the act not being seached for is greater than the consequences of the act itself.

Seems reasonable? Or would that be too broad, like the Patriot Act?

Slippery slope. Who would decide what is the greater harm? The Libertarian in me cringes at this. We have laws against driving drunk. They are clear. The answer is not Nazi checkpoints. The answer is for the police to do their jobs and catch drivers and the answer is for the damned courts to actually PUNISH the drunks the cops catch. I have lost track of how mnay times i have read reports in the paper of some asshole who has 3-4-5 or more drunk driving convictions, and they finally end up killing someone. WTF are they even doing on the streets? They belong in jail. People drink and drive becasue they don’t go to jail. Start putting their ass in jail after the second offense.
There was a case of some low life rich fuck who was plastered and hit a yound woman who was taking her kid to a babysitter so she could go to her waitress job. He killed her. The cops found a shitload of empty beer cans in this douch bags car. Even though he was legally drunk, his fucking lawyer convinced a brain dead jury that it was the womans fault, that she was distracted by her kid in the back seat and crossed the center line. The fact that this scumbag had 3 prior drunk driving convictions was witheld form the jury. THIS is where the problems come from!

Ban Beer, Tabacco. Legalize Pot :bigok:

As an aside to that comment, BTW, if I saw legalization of pot even remotely coming down the pipeline, I’d shift to become invested in Philip Morris, RJReyonlds, and Pizza [retail sales] companies…because nobody would leave the house and the pizza delivery industry would skyrocket! :smiley:

^ Haha

Forgot about the refrigerated/frozen microwaveable burrito stocks too! :smiley:

fuck it if your drunk and get caught driving no fine. just straight jail time

:rofl: :rofl: