check this out

Now we’ve got THREE threads all with the same name and you have no idea what they’re about until you check them out. I loved the funbags and read this ones too.

Is it too friggin’ hard to type something descriptive in the title area? Come on, “Wrecked low mile 300ZX on Ebay” is easy enough for one of my cats to type. These pointless and stupid titles that I see day in and day out just make me want to scream.

I put this in the help section because it would help the website as a whole if people would take an extra minute to be descriptive with their titles. I don’t know if the mods feel the need to go in and edit titles but it seems like it’s completely out of hand. I check the site a lot and have been lurking for a long time with a rare post here and there because so many of the posts are worthless to me.

:rofl: good point Jim!

Thread preview works the best…

I moderate at a couple other website and one in particular (for old Toyotas) been having the same problem. Who knows what’s the root cause, I just want it to stop. Please, think before you post.

I concur