People NOT consolidating their FS threads

Everyone seems to be making a FS thread for each caliper bolt they’re selling, so they have like 3-4 FS threads on the first page. This is gay b/c it bumps other people’s threads really far back where nobody can see them. I’m just throwing this out there, cuz something should be done about it.

true that
wahts the answer to ur sig?

this is happening because we can’t edit our thread titles!

that issue has been addressed countless times and as far as I’m aware nothing has been done to resolve it.

im pretty sure you can edit the thread titles…when you go to edit your post, used the advanced editing…? i edited my thread title when it was sold :S

your right

its been fixed


Yup, thread titles are editable, the answer to my sig is a rape victim :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone seems to be making a FS thread for each caliper bolt they’re selling, so they have like 3-4 FS threads on the first page. This is gay b/c it bumps other people’s threads really far back where nobody can see them. I’m just throwing this out there, cuz something should be done about it.

true that
wahts the answer to ur sig?

this is happening because we can’t edit our thread titles!

that issue has been addressed countless times and as far as I’m aware nothing has been done to resolve it.

im pretty sure you can edit the thread titles…when you go to edit your post, used the advanced editing…? i edited my thread title when it was sold :S

your right

its been fixed


Yup, thread titles are editable, the answer to my sig is a rape victim :stuck_out_tongue:


how about this guy… has 6 seperate threads on the go. 5 with all his individual parts then 1 with everything combined which is completely unnessecary

^^ my god, you are so gay. I bumped all my for sale threads, and then I realized how many there were, so I combined them to one thread, and renamed the titles of the other ones to include “please lock”. Please show me a way that I can delete my own threads, so you no longer have to be so bothered by them. What was that? There is no way for me to delete them? So you are saying that I have to wait for a mod to come by and notice the fact that I have 5 threads that I marked myself for locking or deletion?? Ok cool, because by what you were whining about, I was sure that there was something I myself could do about it further than what I have already done. You are preaching to the converted. By preaching, I mean crying like a baby.

and just for your reference, I posted a very civil reply to your comment in my thread. I even went as far as thanking you for pointing it out and explaining what was happening, because internet drama is gay.

yea i combined mine

its better

p.s. solarian change your sig thats pathetic

that guy dk_fabiosantos has 11 fs thread on page 1 :. i wonder will he put everything in 1 fs thread

another perfect example…

then theirs people bumping threads within 1-3 days as well but it seems none of this crap catches the eyes of the mods but then again, I havent seen greg or nutta online lately and they were normally they two who did the most…

Ya man I know I’ll try to put everything in one thread, the thing is that sometimes I get diferent parts in diferent days and I just come and post them for sale!
But I’ll try to fixe it!