Public Service Announcement!

So it appears that people enjoy shitting in each others FS threads?

Why? You ask?

Heres a prime example.

Another question would be as to why people who already own S13’s/s14’s seem to be the #1 perps.

Come on boys its 2009. Thread Shitting was so last year.


you just wasted 5 minutes of your life you’ll never get back…

… it’s son man, nothing will ever change until they disable the ability to post in FS threads (except for the OP, for weekly bumps). i mean they disable the ability to edit your FS thread but they allow posting. makes no sense.

although i do see how people wont like getting 10 pm’s all asking the same question but at least there thread wont be gettn ruined seizing the sale of there item. i think the extra 5 mins of typing is worth the 100% guarantee ur thread wont get destroyed by these retards. and for the shitty people who dont know how to make detailed honest FS threads… fuck em. survival of the fitest

There… now i too have wasted 5 minutes of my precious life

HayMakr’s not wrong.

Besides, shitty threads deserve to be shit on. Then they can be locked and disappear while the seller realizes they made a crap thread and hopefully improves on it the next time around.

You seem to have issue with grasping that concept.

Im sure I understand the concept more than you could comprehend.

Why not point out an error instead of talking shit. This thread took less than 1 min to create.

A real simple feat if you can type 60 words per min+.

  1. The orignal poster didn’t include pics
  2. No price is listed - the “Make me an offer” doesn’t cut it for me
  3. The few you thought “shat” (likely post #6 and #7) are hardly offensive - I’ve seen worse trolling

If you want to sell on SON, post a worthwhile ad and not some bullshit like “Car for sale - sick ride - PM for price”

Wanna know how to post a decent FS ad?

Courtesy of yours truly.

SONlings are just too lazy to make an effort and when people ask for pics of whatever, they get their panties all caught up in a bunch.

G, Your FS thread sucks.


the seller in that thread is a douche-bag anyways, so why are you sticking up for him?

i agree some decent threads get out of hand but this guy was asking for it.

damn, you got me all excited.

I was expecting some info on Jay-Z with that title, and what do I get instead? lol

As for the F/S threads, its the OP’s fault(s) for making such shitty ones.

Its simple really … make a decent thread, post pictures, and never state that what ever your selling is “Mint” unless it REALLY is and you’ve got proof to back it up.

kk thnx bai :slight_smile:

I am proof.

If you want things sold… include boobs.

Easy as pie.


^^she was easy pie ???

it seems to be typical of some of these ppl. They say their shit is mint and its junk, wasting time of seller and buyer, i believe in the fs thread there is a guideline to follow and if you dont , the post gets locked, same should be for the car fs section

make it a rule car must have 5 pics with it min
front/back/ interior/engine/ undercarriage
this way thetrollers can see whats up and potential buyer know what to expect from the vehicle .

my .02


front desk…not car chat. ugh.

Ninja; you have just contributed to SON’s “Thread Shitting”

Then again, so have I. So ban me and not him.

First you bitch at me for bitching at you. Now your bitching. SON has always been the same right??? (being sarcastic) So why try to change that? Why open a pointless thread, in the wrong section to boot?

Frig, guys if you havent figured out by now SON, as are most chat forums, is a peer-regulated community.

G, Mike and I are not about to moderate every one’s threads and I have no problem ignoring requests for baby sitting.

The solution here is to not post shitty threads.

If member comments are out of line they will be dealt with accordingly. If someone says you should post pics you should probably have posted pics.

dammit - I just wasted 2min 32 sec reading this thread - it did make me laugh and feel all warm inside - Gonad that was a beautiful classified ad - my mom really liked the car and my girlfriend said the information really got her started…my post really sucks, it’s just stupid, I must be a douchebag - have I ever done it in my 240, no - I think I’ll screw her on the hood for the first time - WTB: Carbon Fibre S13 pignose hood - willing to pay $400, my location is in my profile - cold hard cash - FS slightly dented s13 hood, white colour, ass print dead centre - $50 OBO - retarded thread - e-thug - EPIC FAIL - boobies - SONlovehaterelationship comeonwe’reallfriendsherewhycan’twealljustgetalong

Anyways enough of trying to be a comedian ^^ I’m with my man Ninja here - originally I thought he was a complete e-thug douchebag but once I read that he was just kidding around my opinion drifted in the opposite direction - and after reading a few more of his posts it turns out he has a solid grip on car knowledge and is also easy going. Bing also said it best. Shitting in ppl’s thread’s is so last year, or the year before - if you were chilling at a meet there’s no way you’re going to take a unprovoked verbal dump on somebody’s face in person…so why do it over the net? Is this online service a gateway to vent? Or is the screen in front of your face and the miles between the person you’re talking about enough of a confidence-booster to talk crap about them. People should/will learn about how and where to post classifieds, just like they’ll learn to not piss on an electrified fence. I don’t shit on people’s thread’s…period - moreoever if somebody does in one of my threads, there’s not a chance in hell I’m going to react to it - peace

hey look guy theres anyother one from another member he has a s14 in decent shape want a s13 or 2000 obo and the car needs some work not even a pic?

almost as repeptative two of the same threads