multiple FS posts


I’m noticing the increase of newbs posting 2-3 somtimes 4 threads in one sitting of 4 different things they are selling. Why can you not post all of this in one thread like other normal people.

For example. Spikesr20… is one common user that does this, another that just posted is selling audio equipment and has 2 thread for it? 240coupe joined for the sole purpose of selling his parts and started 3 thread of KA and s13 parts.

WTF mate?



And look who just happens to be guilty of this…

I dont see a problem with WTB it lets everyone know exactly whats being looked for.

Yet stuff liek this.

Now why cant that just all be under a title of Q45 Brakes

Or Stereo

it should be like this all the time.
everything in one post

^^^ exacly!

Gonad WTB I have no problem with. Its the FS section. that 240coupe guy now has 5-6 thread on the first page. spikesr20 has like 4

Common, you make a post in FS now and already shit gets bumped off the first page fast. With this BS it can get bumped off the first page in matter of minutes.


Another thing I notice. The ‘bump’ rules are not being inforced very much anymore.


:dunno: I’m pretty strict about them. I delete many of them and give warnings when i can. Anyone in particular?

:dunno: I’m pretty strict about them. I delete many of them and give warnings when i can. Anyone in particular?[/quote]

Well Marc your ussually the only one that inforces there and always have been :). Right now in FS I could see a shitload of deleting to be done…some kid right now has 2 posts of the same product. Another has bumped his posts 3 times in the last couple days etc etc.

Our FS section is getting clutered to shit by all these newbs.


:dunno: I’m pretty strict about them. I delete many of them and give warnings when i can. Anyone in particular?[/quote]

Well Marc you’re ussually the only one that inforces there and always have been :). Right now in FS I could see a shitload of deleting to be done…some kid right now has 2 posts of the same product. Another has bumped his posts 3 times in the last couple days etc etc.

Our FS section is getting clutered to shit by all these newbs.


lol why did you quote your own stuff? anyways, it might be time to think about adding another moderator? i’m sure theres alot of trustworthy individuals who have been a member for a long time who would be up to the moderating job. especially since theres so many n00bs around who bump their shit every other day, that even original nutta doesn’t get to. there has to be more than one person who reads every new post on son every day, who would be perfectly suited to moderate the junk. in any case, just my opinion, take it as you will.

ah now i see why you did that. i thought i was clicking on edit… wtf did you guys do to the edit and delete buttons? that just screws everything up.

Can someone compress B240’s thread, he has like 5 right now. all audio stuff