Checking in from Westchester County


Used to live in Stamford. Dude save your money, get yourself an EVO and call it a day. No matter how much money you put in that honda, it’s still slow. :wink:


I’m 10g’s in and i’m happy. It was built right, and I enjoy it. I’ll take my 250+ wheel reliable honda over a “me too” mitubishi peice of crap anyday. Slow or not. My shit walks minor bolt on evo 8’s and one or two 9’s. I expected a comment like that too from a fanboi evo owner, you make honda owners sound good with remarks like that.

And i know your next aurgument… but you’re fully built, they are only minor bolt ons…

Lets see, stock for stock, they’ve got ~90 more crank hp, awd, turbo, respond better to bolt ons… It’s only fair that i’m fully built to compete. Besides, i bought my car for 17k, plus 10k in work… 27k. What does an evo go for 33k? plus another thousand or two to make it equally as fast? DSM’s are a waste of money.

I love your car.

However, i HATE front wheel drive.


cool car. rotas pwn

skunk went 5-2… not 3-2… iirc

you semi-skunked it… no biggie… lol

thats exactly what i was thinking

Love the RSX…sick NA build! :tup:

Nice to see a bunch of Westchester members on nyspeed! Are there other big local forums there?

I’m finishing up this semester at UB, then starting at IBM in Somers in July. Hopefully will have found my black AP1 S2K by then. :smiley:

Was thinking of living in Yorktown too, seems like a decent place?

usually the jersey and connecticut local sites boom with traffic, new yorkers just dont seem that into it :frowning:

What are the most active/best local sites?

NY sites are … cluttered.

I’m on a couple of good ones, the S2ki guys are pretty good, but most of them aren’t in westchester. is mostly new yorkers, there is also and theres NY’ers on

Thanks for the links.

b20 is an ok forum. mostly ny’ers. those guys are hardcore with street racing too. fun to browse over there.

Nice cars, I love the rsx and the z. Id rather have that rsx over a new evo anyday of the week.

Thanks man :slight_smile: me too… me too.

Mods list updated!

Just saw this now. That is one clean and hot dc.

Westchester in the house!!! :thankyou:

i’m here too…

i’m in yorktown too. funny how may yorktown speeders there are on here.

…now I know why they’ve been adding speed bumps like every 10 feet in my neighborhood.

what up, I’m from Irvington. Just signed up. Sorry if I bumped an old thread.

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