Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter

Appalachian American?

the latest news is that the white house is blaming it on the guy that got shot

Headline Should Read

“Whittington Takes Dick’s Load in the Face”

They are reporting now that the guy just had a “minor heart attack” after a piece of buckshot lodged in his heart.

do you actually quote Sean Hannity’s transcripts on purpose or is it a natural thing?

Is it a big deal? No, not really. But it’s pretty obvious Cheney’s people did a shitty job handling it. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE POLITICAL IDEALOLOGY OF THE MEDIA, they feel they weren’t treated with the resepect they think they deserve so they’re showing the white house what happens when you piss off the press.

When did shooting another person especially if you are the Vice-President become no big deal??

Believe it or not I haven’t seen Hannity in weeks or months.
Yeah they are showing The White House what happens, they make asses of themselves by trying to stretch this story with stupid ass questions.

thats funny. i thought they were hunting quale not bucks.

the liberal media with the facts.

while it may seem silly to you and me, it’s much different in the “world of politics”


n : small lead shot for shotgun shells [syn: bird shot, duck shot]

A shotgun shell that uses a SLUG is for shooting deer.
And you call yourself a gun loving conservative?

You want to get technical on me ? Learn to spell. It is quail …

I thought they were hunting for Dan Quayle.

:frowning: I thought they were playing Tummy Sticks

thats how i had it spelled, then i looked back and saw it spelled differently. i assumed i was wrong… i was a math major, they dont expect us to spell.

birdshot and buckshot are different. i dont hunt, own a gun or care to (i would shoot people, they piss me off more than deer) and even i know that.

ZD join the Army, they give you guns, ammo, and targets!

"A round of birdshot contains hundreds of tiny pellets; a 12 gauge round of #1 buckshot (it comes in different sizes), by contrast, contains twenty .30 caliber pellets and #3 buckshot contains twenty .25 caliber pellets. One tester observed that “the power of a blast of buckshot is equal to 10 rounds of 9mm bullets.”

you can pick birdshot out of your ass if you arent too close, but with buckshot you wouldnt be so lucky.

98redex, i said i would shoot people. this includes people in my face yelling at me.

When it is a hunting accident. If Cheney had the intent to shoot the other guy then it would be a big deal.

I still don’t think we just say “Oh the VP shot someone accidentally? Hmmm when’s American Idol on?”
Shooting someone isn’t a trivial thing. Do I think the media should be going on and on about why they weren’t informed immediately? No, but what do you expect from the media. They hype everything to the point that you don’t want to hear it anymore. Conservatives should be thanking the media for being such tools about this whole thing. Still I don’t think we should just think nothing of it. Maybe this doddering old asshole (both of them) shouldn’t be out with a gun?

“There are about 700 nonfatal hunting accidents each year in the United States and Canada,” said Jim Wentz, a spokesman for the International Hunter Education Association. “In addition, there are about 75 fatal hunting accidents each year. That’s out of the 15.7 million people who hunt.”

You only ever hear about those when they are local events. Even then it is usually <30 seconds on the TV news. This case is only special because of the people involved.

Why the hell does it matter all of a sudden when the VP does it? Huh? Tell me that. I dont give a fuck, accidental shootings coul not matter more to me on a daily basis.

^ I agree, but there’s gotta be somebody looking to make a scandal out of it.
my guess is the democrats