Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter

“so mr enviormentalist is a quale hunter” weding crashers. i would have the rest of the quote but shady people borrow my shit

apparantly he thinks hunters are overpopulated in his area OOOOOOOOOooOOO

I hit a phesant with my moms car last week…its in my grenhouse frozen solid lol…gonna use it to train my dogs. (stuffed ofcorse).

There is NO such thing as an accedental shooting. Guns are dangerous when they are not used properly…every retard knows that. If you are responsable then things like that would not happen.

OMG redneck alert LOL


Im not a redneck, I am a man who lives by the advantages provided by nature lol.

BTW…I prefer the term Hick.

The guy must have been a democrat…

was it an investor cough i mean campaign donateor that he shot?

guns dont kill people dick cheney does

Great, I can hear the anti-gun people already.:roll2:

And I thought old people driving was dangerous.:biglaugh:

leno,letterman,conan, craig …etc are gonna ave a field day with this one

I would have been much funnier if it were Bush…

grrreeeat… give everyone another reason to take guns away from everyone but the criminals… Just because the Vice President isn’t careful.

I can’t believe what a big deal the news stations are making over the fact that they didn’t get official word for 20 hours.

Is it really a life changing event for everyone in the US to know that the VP was in a hunting accident and accidentally shot someone, who is doing fine? I know I didn’t need to have it blasted all over the radio 10 minutes after it happened. The fact that I found out late Sunday instead of early Sunday made absolutely no difference in my life.

Yes, America has the right to know. Fine, no problem there. But we don’t have the absolute need to know everything 2 minutes after it happens when it really has nothing to do with us.

:word: I hear ya.

News stations are pissed they got the story late because they almost had to report real news. Now they are milking the shit out of this lame story, which IMO isn’t really news at all.

The media is pissed because he gave the story to some rinky-dink newspaper.
Now they are trying to get him back by making a big deal about it.
Everyone knew 1) it was an accident and 2) He would survive.
End of story.
The media dragging it out is just showing their pathetic slant on things.


“Man takes shot from Dick”

HAHAHAH… :rofl:


Don’t they call the contents of a shotgun shell a “wad”??

Make your own joke…