Chernobyl - Motorcycle ride through ghost town.

Reading this just makes me want to play Fallout 3 again…

OMG so in for this. I need to see at least one of the reactors. Even it’s just the decommissioned ones. I like how close they let that guy get to reactor 4. Shame we can’t go inside. Would be pretty breathtaking seeing that kind of destruction up close. I’d wear a big bird suit if i had to. :thumbup:thumbup

yea i kinda wish i didn’t trade mine in :frowning:


Indeed. I’d be more concerned about getting off’ed by some random russian creepo than rad poisoning. I’d don a full fledged rad suit to be able to go inside and snap some pictures of that chaos.

:lol good call.

You can borrow my Fallout, at the same time swing by to check out the garage too.

As far as being in, prices are damn reasonable, I guess the dollar still goes pretty far there. Trip of a lifetime. Going inside? You’re nutty. :ohnoes

I don’t suppose you or your sister has any connections over there?!?!? LOL. It says if we are making a movie or a documentary we’d be let in LOL.

I actually found my fallout 3 today… huh. I could’ve sworn I traded it in.

Actually the best game of this nature is called STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. It’s super glitchy, but wicked fun and a LEGIT eerie environment. I have it for PC.

We can make a “documentary” on the matter.

It will be like Borat just backwards :lol

Actually while we are there, we should recreate a Modern Warfare match on the Pripyat level. :shifty

Bring mad paintball gear?!?!?! I’m in. Would be the most epic paintball setting ever.

I’m in.

I’m going to use phosphorous paintballs just to freak you out when they start glowing :lol

Seriously start making plans. I am definitely in for this.

I got a weeks vacation saved up at work.

My mom is over in Russia now, we could buy the Russian military hats to make it legit.

Ticket prices will be the death of me though, they are $$$$.

With any luck Archie will be in the local country at the time too, we could get him down :lol

I would also love to go see this. Great thread, I feel a bit embarrassed that I didn’t know about this until now.

I have a shit ton of time saved here, I’m going away end of July so it’d have to be after that some time. Seriously serious about going though.

I’ve seen this before… its crazy. I’d love to go over there on a tour sometime with a camera. Its amazing how the area is literally a preserved snapshot in time.