I’ve found women don’t care what you drive. When I meet a girl, I only mention cars if she asks about them. But as a rule, I never try to bring it up, bec. I can just black out and that’s all I’ll talk about with her.
Do you find that chicks dont dig the ride (by ride I mean car:D ) as much as the proverbial 1950’s badass greasers were dug for thier cars.
chicks still dig muscle cars, I dont see how anything has changed…?
personally i think its hillarious and cute when a girl rides in my car and heres the bov and is flipping out because her uncles “awesome” mustang she got a ride in dosent have one. and as far as the turbo timer…we just wont go thier…its like teaching english to an ethiopian.
When I had my GST Spyder the panties used to drop in that car…
Every car since, not even a glance. It has to be something with the words Eclipse Convertible that chicks dig.
Chicks dig gay guys, 3rd gen eclipses make you look gay?
- i am the fugliest person evar
- girls thought this was ugly and sounded broken(whoever said it earlier)
^^but it still got me laid quite frequently when i was between hoes
3.VVVthis makes the panties drop(hoes be bustin’ they ass to peep dis)
- and tricks thought i was driving my moms car in the slaab(but said it was “pretty” regardless)
p.s. there is your answer. whoever said “its not the ride, its the rider.”
…must have been way the hell off. lol
Yeah they were totally banging the doors down for a ride in this beast. :tup:
Or it might have been the original doors falling off, can’t remember. :shrug:
chicks.dig.wheelies. /thread
and i will agree, i had a yellow s2k for a week… lotta looks from the ladies… that car was a pleasure to drive i will agree
chicks definitly drop panties for rides on a bike.
Fuck, even with the katana girls loved it, because they knew nothing about it but it was “pretty” haha
what girls are you surrounds yourselves with? 15 year olds? i hate every type of girl you guys described. yuck.
ive been asked at least 2 dozen times if my 240sx is a vette …
(and i say yes because bitches think that its hot}
frikin wannabee :rant: (grey, fat, old, bald, deaf, etc…)
I have nice cars, but i’m also good looking and charming as fuck…
It’s a deadly combination.
To a girl, an evo/sti is no different than a civic with a wing.
I’m with BF on the image thing.
frikin wannabee :rant: (grey, fat, old, bald, deaf, etc…)
Speak for yourself, lol. I’m the complete opposite of all those.
this thread sucks hard.
Cars pickup dudes, end of story :tdown:
edit: unless you have an exotic, then it is a different ballgame.
back when i had my subaru wagon
i would come out from wegmans or wherever and chicks would just be humping my car. grinding the mirror, backin their ass up on my hood, rubbin titties on my back window.
i think it was because the wagon was green. forest green. chicks must like green cars, regardless of hottness
Take this from a girl that knows half a thing about cars. I don’t know even close to everything, but I’m certainly not one of those chicks that thinks I’m hardcore into cars just because I know how to drive a stick.
As someone said before, most girls are into IMAGE. A girl will be into your car if it is hot enough (to her) to get her noticed by other girls. The types of girls that think like this mostly only recognize cars like Corvettes, Mustangs, things that are small and sporty appearing, etc because these are the most common “expensive” cars. Riding in an expensive car makes other females jealous. Please read: I don’t agree with this, I’m just telling you how it is.
You/your car gets bonus points if it’s a convertible. Having the top down gives the female more opportunity to be noticed as being “that lucky girl” riding in the cool car by other females.
It’s all an image/popularity thing.
However, not ALL girls are like that But seriously, it takes less than 10 seconds to sort out the ones who really truely like your car, vs. those who are just trying to bullshit you to one-up their friends.
if you bought your car because you couldnt get laid, you are a giant loser
Chicks don’t dig cars. Chicks dig image.