Chicks Dig The Ride?


Take this from a girl that knows half a thing about cars. I don’t know even close to everything, but I’m certainly not one of those chicks that thinks I’m hardcore into cars just because I know how to drive a stick.

As someone said before, most girls are into IMAGE. A girl will be into your car if it is hot enough (to her) to get her noticed by other girls. The types of girls that think like this mostly only recognize cars like Corvettes, Mustangs, things that are small and sporty appearing, etc because these are the most common “expensive” cars. Riding in an expensive car makes other females jealous. Please read: I don’t agree with this, I’m just telling you how it is.

You/your car gets bonus points if it’s a convertible. Having the top down gives the female more opportunity to be noticed as being “that lucky girl” riding in the cool car by other females.

It’s all an image/popularity thing.

However, not ALL girls are like that :confused: But seriously, it takes less than 10 seconds to sort out the ones who really truely like your car, vs. those who are just trying to bullshit you to one-up their friends.


i like to find the ones out to one up their friends get them to like me, then break their hearts.

i do it so well.

My car is a cock magnet

16yr old boys “dig” my ride, well at least it seems thats who I seem to get the most enthused reactions from when I pull up somewhere. Most people dont know what it is, especially females, and think I put the big wing on the back. I have to educate them on how is actually functional and came on the car.

My car is a subaru owner magnet. Seems like anybody who owns a subaru stops me and asks what I have done to my car, how I like it, ect…


My car is a cock magnet

16yr old boys “dig” my ride, well at least it seems thats who I seem to get the most enthused reactions from when I pull up somewhere. Most people dont know what it is, especially females, and think I put the big wing on the back. I have to educate them on how is actually functional and came on the car.


sooooooo…you wanna go out?


I’ve found women don’t care what you drive. When I meet a girl, I only mention cars if she asks about them. But as a rule, I never try to bring it up, bec. I can just black out and that’s all I’ll talk about with her.


Yeah lol,thats a big nishe nishe… so true

I guess what I mean is girls just dont seem to know cars.

Buddies of mine,whose dads have classics, moms can go to a show and tell you the difference between a charger and a challenger.

These girls I work with claim they love cars and gawk at every and any piece of new american garbage that drives by. (6cyl stangs and and such) but they cant pronounce mitsubishi.

I know this is not all girls. my gf can tell the difference between a maxi pad and a chamios, a clutch and a rotor but most gils these days just cant.

Chick dig my ride too

They see me rollin’, they hatin’


i’d def. hit on you. you’ve got “im gonna die soon and you can have all my money” written all ova!

we all need vettes because “the vette gets em wet”

edit: or the classic “the ellis juan turns em on”



typically girls only know the few big names as ‘cool cars’. when i bought my 3000gt in highschool, i was asked by a girl ‘whats that? how come you didnt buy a mustang or a corvette?’. they only know what they hear about all the time.

as for impressing a girl in person, a bov doesnt get much of a response, espesially if it has 4 doors. they take mainly sports cars with loud exhausts.


bitches <3 the stealth.

remember when you and murray were parked next to each other with the 3000GTs?

girl: what kind of cars are those?
you: ferraris
girl: wow…there’s two of THOSE at the same place?


I have friends with Evo’s which are presumably good looking cars who cant even get a look from a chick if thier blowing off (bpv guys, come on guys ) right in front of them.


My Evo turns heads, I get chicks looking at me/ my car everyday but then again “its not the ride, its the rider” hahaha fucking F&F

But on a serious note my hair gets more attention than my car… most commonly i hear “WTF is an Evo”


is theres grass on the field play ball right? :lol:


and if there’s not, can always just turn around and play in the mud :wink:


p.s. there is your answer. whoever said “its not the ride, its the rider.”

…must have been way the hell off. lol


that line was from the fast and the furious tokyo drift lol

I’ll tell you one thing in the 10 years of owning my Mustang it has rarely turned the head of a girl…and if it did it was in disgust.

The only girl who ever gave a shit about my car was a girlfriend years ago. She absolutely loved street racing and everything related to the car scene. When we went to the track she even drove it a few times down the 1/4 mile, actually did pretty well too:headbang:


and if there’s not, can always just turn around and play in the mud :wink:


ewwwwwwwwwwwwww god that’s so gross.

I’m gonna use that line every time now :headbang::smiley:


ewwwwwwwwwwwwww god that’s so gross.

I’m gonna use that line every time now :headbang::smiley:


Welcome to middle school


Welcome to middle school


Sorry, we city slickers never played in the mud :bloated:


I have nice cars, but i’m also good looking and charming as fuck…

It’s a deadly combination. :slight_smile:

To a girl, an evo/sti is no different than a civic with a wing.

I’m with BF on the image thing.


word, they do dig the color though.

I dont have any problems getting looks and smiles

People think my s2000 is a porsche :bloated:

I dunno if that’s a good or bad thing, but all my female friends want a ride.

I usually get looks from female passengers of older mustangs of confusion, like “how is he beating you” look.