China : 2yo Lights Up Cigarette And Smokes It.


Now thats great parenting!



wow, that freaked me out.

god. that kid is way cooler than his peers.

Advanced population control planning…

hes not even inhaling…pussy

i freakin love that vid

lol they are all playing with legos and hes smoking cigs.

Can’t be any worse than breathing the air in Bejing

I’m going to go with Repost on this one…
Long time ago, but it’s on here somewhere.

That video is so old, the kid probably died of lung cancer already.

i’m gonna go out on a limb here and hope that’s really a dwarf/midget man.

its def a repost, but they took the old link down, so its fair game. lol

I sort of agree, the movements/mannerisms are a little too adult.

def a midget man

Actually, there is an area in China where people have been ordered by the government to smoke (link)… to help with boost their economy :bloated:

Sounds like a dream JoesTypeS could have :slight_smile: