2yr old and 5 yr old smoking weed how to video

anyone see the news tonight?? there uncle was teaching them to roll and smoke pot. What is this world coming too

video is on uselessjunk.com

why did a teacher blow coke infront of a class?..who knows this world is fucked

i seriously think society as a whole is in a complete downward spiral. it seems like everyone these days has a few skeletons in their closet.

layzie: i agree, if not the whole world, this country is surely fucked…

Wow just wow…well if it was socially acceptable blah blah blah blah blah that is fucking pathetic


chris rock in character from FRIDAY IVE BEEN SMOKIN SINCE I WAS 2.

You mean Chris Tucker

They all look alike to Leafs fans.


puff puff pass

ahaha those guys are going far.


a marajuana cigar called a blunt…

^^^ i seen it too didnt know what to think… my 13 yr old sister was like what the fuck.