oh you’d rather race the ‘slower’ of my fast toys? :wink:

I’ll take a ride out for the 1st fire let me know when

In for the fire up :tup:

Looks good JT. Let me know on the fire up.

Choda, where did you get your JE pistons through? Straight from JE? Or a speedshop?
Just curious. Do you happen to have the job number handy? I may have designed them.

I got them through Pro Power from JE.

Ill look for the number for ya.

160 traps :pimp: :ohnoes:

i know pulease… i do that in my tC

That’s cool. Chances are very good that I designed your pistons as I take care of most of Pro Power’s domestic orders. Let me know when you find that job number.

Jesus i finally got the pushrods.

Maybe later this week the motor will be complete.

Awesome man, can’t wait to see it!

waiting for phone call for first start up…

big ford :tup:

heard today tranny and engine are in… shouldn’t be too many more months before choda is on the prowl :stuck_out_tongue:

motor is in should be running soon !!!


looks good JT

:tup: should be mean, hope it lasts for ya!

if anyone wants pics from under the hood let me know.

^ IN.

If you’re gonna charge, I suppose I could just go by Mark’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

i want jack!