Choice for first car

'99 2.5 RS FTW

what does that motor have to do with a cordless phone?

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gotta agree withthis guy. and the 2 doors are nice rides. welcome also.

welcome do the subie awd and more reliable

thanks guys… still looking… no luck yet…

Go test drive a 2.5RS. I love mine, handles so well, gas isn’t terrible for being AWD, and it’s decently quick for your first car.

+1, my buddy has a 2.5rs with a sti motor swap… but even before the swap the 2.5 was nice… thumbs up for a scoobie.




ill sell you a mazda! :smiley:

i’m not fond of any of the choices if you wanna good platform to start modifying…but none the less welcome

welcome aboard. Feel free to join us in other parts of the forum! :bigthumb: