god damn… his shifting skillz > mine lol
god damn… his shifting skillz > mine lol
That was awesome! He’s in third before you know it…
wow he’s pretty good
i am thinking that was an auto tranny with a shift kit and a power glide system of some sort, but i could be wrong and he could just shift really really fast like that
Wow now that is a launch!!
Sounds like manual shifting to me. If you are really good at power shifting thats what you get.
if it was an auto, how how it sounds like he lifts while going into 3rd ? definently sounds like gears clashing on the 1-2 shift too
I believe that’s a Proshifted T5, basically you can shift without using the clutch.
nah… deffinitly a standard trans
damn :eek: that sucks lol that shit would be scary as hell
he can shift almost as fast as me!!! hah i wish, sick launch tho
damn that was a wild ride…and that mofo can shift like whoaaaaa
Thats 4th… he hits 2nd when the front end drops… 3rd is not problem, and 4th takes .75secs
:eek: 1.32 60… holy fuck
ah alrighty, i missed that first shift , either way i ment that last one took long enough that it sounds like a manual tranny shift
he also trapped 136… too high for 3rd gear w/ stick