Christian Newman, Rape Defendant

Aquitted. Pheew.



EDIT: arent you 28 too?

Same age too? Eerie.

I am 28, but that’s from 2003.

If I get arrested for rape it won’t be that kind :fry:

Ooh, and he drives a Ferrari!

Helloooo Mr. Newman!

I know. They gave the wrong C Newman the ferrari.


did you just google your own name and this came up?

yeah lol. we were talking about googling yourself at work…

lol, how creepy that a rape story would come up.

god those pics are making me lol

Guy G. Blake = Borat

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA @ the always sunny ref.

glad you got that :wink:


1st thing that came to mind when I read the title was this:

Eddie Cantrow: I love sports. In fact, I even lost my virginity on a baseball diamond.
Buzz: Oh, you’re too much. Really?
Eddie Cantrow: Yeah, yeah. A couple of the older kids pushed me down and -
Eddie Cantrow: [everyone stops laughing]
Eddie Cantrow: It was not pretty.
Gayla: Did you file charges?
Eddie Cantrow: No, I…
Miranda: He was making a joke, Gayla.
Deborah: About anal rape…?

internet spelling nazi says:

