christmas gift idea for the girl ???

Buy her a new stove…maybe a cookbook too.

get her the starter book and a membership for weight watchers she wont take any offense to it i swear

Find wrapping paper that says I think you need to lose some weight. And wrap the running shoes in that… you know keep it subtle.

Bottle of hydroxycut and a photoshopped picture of you riding her like a bull. FTMFW

is there any physical activities she likes to do? if she does, buy her some equipment for it along with new shoes etc…then ask her to go running with you.

Since i’m single for the first time in the last for years i’m going to get something for myself!!

In the past years i have gotten the ex a NDS Lite, gift certificate to Corto’s day spa in Hamburg, Digital Camera, and obviously some unmentionables that ended up being gifts for me too. I don’t remember what else.

Buy her a dildo…then tell her to take it and go fuck herself