Gift Suggestions?

Well, it’s that time of year and I’m trying to find something to buy people for Christmas…

I am having an impossibly hard time finding something for this one friend… She doesnt need much, and I dont want to do jewlery or clothing because her stuff is out of my league, I’m just not good at that.

Would there be something wrong with getting like a designer handbag ( i know she’s into Juicy Couture) or something? What else could I possibly do? I know she needs a new iPod, but I dont know if her mother is getting a new one.

God, I’ve been out of society for way too long.

oh and I know its unbelieveably gay to be on here asking about something like this, but still, I’m getting desperate

oh and I know its unbelieveably gay to be on here asking about something like this, but still, I’m getting desperate.

Oh this shouldn’t be too hard. I know her type pretty well. Is she just a friend, more than a friend, someone you wouldn’t mind becoming more than a friend, or someone you wouldn’t mind dating?

Don’t get her a purse unless you want to solidify yourself as the gay best friend and have her thinking you really are gay. Unless you really are gay, then it’s cool.

How about a gift certificate to a spa? Nothing like a $100 dollar hair cut to make a girl feel special.

spa +1

spa is nice… espically if she has never been. get her a package – like hair/massuage/pedicure

if you want it to be something more special… get something that is totally random but something she is in to. for example, she likes cars… dont buy her a car, but buy her a full detail kit and something for her car. its not really a good example, but i dont want to give away what i got this xmas… thurr is a ears among these walls.

im getting my sister one of those choclate fondue fountains, stores seem to be pushing those pretty hard this year.

give her me…she will never stop thanking u


No woman will refuse a dildo.

:word: Get her something to fuck that’s not you. :bloated:

+2 for spa


word, thats a great idea
soooo what did you get?

she sounds expensive, id run away. Good luck.

But if you must spend money on her look at what she likes and go from there.

Naw. Women are like cars: The finicky, expensive, frustrating, and time consuming ones make for the most fun rides. Well, in between breakdowns that is.

LOL, BikerFry you are right.

We are dating and hopefully will be even more than that soon…

She actually just got her hair dyed brown and its awesome… shes been blonde for years, but its her natural color again now so i dont know how good an idea the salon one is… keep them rolling, still havent got anything.

A girlfriend sent this to me…not sure who wrote it or where it came from:

There are two kinds of bad Xmas gifts: Copout Gifts and Just Plain Bad Gifts. Every guy reading this needs to avoid them both. Some examples:

Copout Gifts: (1) a gift certificate to a spa (screams, “I put no thought whatsoever into this”); (2) a vacation to any locale that just so happens to have gambling (we’re not stupid); (3) a homemade gift certificate promising stuff like taking out the trash, walking the dog, dates or back rubs (cute idea, but they never get turned in and from my experience, they expire); (4) a box of candy (makes us mad because we can’t resist and we’re already worried about holiday weight); and, of course, (5) cash.

Just Plain Bad Gifts: (1) Any household items like blenders, toasters or anything that has potential to be on a bridal registry (this will really anger a girl if you’re not engaged yet); (2) nothing from a mall chain jewelry store unless you’re broke (and if you have to, change the box); (3) a sports car for your wife that you know you’ll end up driving once you knock her up and she’s stuck driving an SUV or minivan; (4) Victoria’s Secret nighties that would only look good on one of the mannequins in the store; (5) gym memberships, Jenny Craig or Trim Spa (unless you want to be killed in your sleep).

While we’re here, four gifts that will work: (1) a Nano IPod with 100 of her favorite songs already on there; (2) quality cashmere anything (scarf, sweater, hat, gloves); (3) a thoughtful book with a nice note inside; and (4) the “Grey’s Anatomy” box set (it’s the new “Sex and the City”).

^ I disagree with your list. a blender is an awesome gift :wink: everyone loves smoothies.

Nitrous :tspry:

it’s not my list…but there is a lot of truth in it.

My woman sounds a lot like yours: A great girl who, ahem, appreciates the finer things…

She loves just about anything from this high end cosmetic place: Although then again, if it’s not something she specifically asked for any type of cleansing/grooming products could be taken as a biiiiiiiiiig insult. Better not risk it unless you’re sure.

Ask her mother about the IPOD if you can. That loaded with her favorite songs as per the above list would be good. What kind of price range are we talking? $100 tops? $50 at most?

Hmm, price… to honest its not really an issue, Ill be deployed for her birthday and ill be missing next christmas, so no real limit on price.

Thanks for all of the serious suggestions, and even alot of the less serious ones :slight_smile: