ErnGotti's 1990 240SX Gold Hatch

It’s for the stock SOHC KA

You guys have tried to “meet up” with me to FIGHT. I’m not going to a predetermined fight cuz its not a recreational activity to me. I told you that. I said if it happens in front of me randomly then I WONT back out.

But if this “Singh” guy came up to me and my car somewhere and started running his mouth I wouldn’t puss away into my front seat and drive off. I would answer any question he had. And I WOULDN’T threaten to kick his ass and remodel his face so his family wouldn’t be able to recognize him because thats what barbarians do, not MEN

I most certainly DO come to DD but the past 3 weeks have been busy for me. I was gone for 2 of the fridays, for all intensive purposes, and last week it rained