christmas meet pic

L@@k, No wet spot :kekegay:

explaining to 7.5 the gravitational pull of Mustangs and walls, with Shag, and Quik listening, and confirming intently

Quik’s like “listen to this man, cuz he done it, 2 times, 2 times!!” :blue:

95greenz, is sitting there nodding his head, and wishing he too, had a mustang, so he could be fast :wink:

:rofl: i do remember that and everyone else was in AWE :rofl:

:dumb Mustangowners: :kekegay:

the f-body guys sat thier like DUH, where am i :kekegay:

ya ur right…i might buy a new one :blue:
hahaha…prob. wont though

nice quote, thats a classic

hey htere wasnt a raffle

yeah i know, people complained about not having any money. wasn’t going to hear the bitching of me trying to hit them up for more…

also capturing the video right now

wasnt there more pics of the meet

nope, thats all the ones that i took at least

wasnt sonny playingwith the video camera also?


damn, no body did anything stupid.

no darkstar, no care.

but theres a TENT!

I don’t think Eurodad read the caption below my picture…

-Thanks Whitey… :rolleyes:



it was fun