Christmas Party - 12/11/09 - Hal's Bar & Grill

6 days before i fly in… no go for me

it is non smoking

Thank god.

But theirs lot dusty gravel!!:moon:

It’s December, the Saturn does not mind :slight_smile:


The lot is asphalt not gravel

in this yr if i dont work

Well if all goes well with my Siemens Interviews I should be moving back to Pittsburgh by then. might have to check it out.

u can get ur car then!!:rofl:

Ohhhhh no big guy… Still hoping to drive it this coming week!!! :love:

It won’t happen, I borrowed some parts for a foxbody. Next year sucka !

Quite a demand for these things

ill be there!

My grandmother bought me a 9/11 sweater for 01 christmas
Tacky / disrespectful to wear? It is indeed ugly collecting dust. Looks like a drunk old lady knitted it or is it one of those things kindly hide ? :rofl:

i may end up comming to this

Its the weekend of the PRI show!!! Out unless PRI plans fall threw.

Spoke to Hal and got the specials confirmed.

3 dollar mad elf drafts
2 dollar miller lite drafts
40 cent wings

My god thats some cheap ass mad elf. That shit is amazing.

Sounds like a deal…

Hopefully the weather won’t be shitty like last year. I just remember sliding around the 9 miles over there from my parents house. Looking forward to it this year.