Christmas Party - 12/11/09 - Hal's Bar & Grill

ahhhh EW9 wings how I long to kill your maker…
As I rest upon this throne I swear I shall never again taste your tingling greatness…
Anyways was surley a great time last nite I too awoke to a nasty headach, although miller lite was nemesis.
As for Darkstar he did bolt early, must suck to have a little hottie with a 9pm curfew.
anyways ill cut this short as I believe its to to wipe…
Thanks for the good time guys (&girls)

/\ haha I laugh now, but those wings are still brewing

I’m so glad the hottie waitress denied cheeks request to bring the HOT wings out. I’m tellin ya, something broke when I sat down, no lie

sean tell brenna i said thank you for being my temporary boyfriend. :slight_smile:

No worries, does this mean I get free feelski’s for life now?

damn i left too soon i suppose

Well I was able to walk out of Hals and drive home tonight… Pepsi only for me.

Hal said that some waitress protected me from some assholes wanting to fuck with me last night lol

Weird we had females feeling eachother up tonight as well… weird the power Hals has on them.

Yeah, that asshole was me, I took a picture of you passed out on the couch, but didn’t have the proper mindset to save it.

Awww damn.

lol what a night.

I feel like I was in “The Hangover” Today… seriously I have been piecing together what happened last night bit by bit and learning more and more… no tiger in the bathroom tho :frowning:

Hal had my jacket.

the one I was using as a diaper???

lol no but you can watch her get some free feelski’s…i like her haha

yea well thats bc it was past your bed time and your camaro was about to turn back into a pumpkin.

Besides sk360 being extremely annoying. No, I’m not trying your Mad elf at 8pm with backwash :nuts:

I made the rounds, being molested by who knows numerous times. Uncock blocking Asian. Not spilling my Miller lite in the left hand. Quadruple Jack D in the Right hand being pushed in the wall countless times by asian ( he really loves the round eye males ) In the end, Never spilled my drinks that worked so hard to get. Was not worth spilling the drinks.

chatted up with some extremely great folks.

PS: Chazz your shorty was the worst waitress.

Toot Toot.

Heavy lightweight. You fail

its like his GTO…heavy lightweight

Humm… my tab was $27… at $3 a pop seems like that should be around 8 Mad Elfs… At 11% alc that would be equilv to 20+ drafts of the light shit you were drinking Shaggy…

Lightweight my ass.


I think he’s putting into consideration that you were wearing about 3 of them instead of drinking them. I think I had some on my shoes, not to mention how much was on the floor… :rofl:

lol @ poor girl trying to clean up Matts puddles

Yeah I walked out with some girls, forgot to pay my bar tab had to go back in. Went to another bar down the street and had yager bombs with said girls. went home took a shower and went to work.

o yea it was great fun

im sorry. i was told you were into that so i thought it was ok.