Chronicles of Narnia

One word. Phenomenal :tup:

The story was well done, the actors were superb, the special effects were astoundingly realistic. I would put them as equal to Lord Of the Rings. Just watch the final battle for Narnia and you will see what I mean. All in all an amazing experience. Definitely check it out.

I really do wanna see this. Looks spectacular.

I am a little perturbed though by the fact that they went against C.S. Lewis’ wishes and made a movie outta the book, but whatever. If they stayed true to the story though it is cool.

They stayed true to the story, but as usual some parts were left out becauase the movie probably would have been 5 hours instead of 2.

I didn’t know the author didn’t want a movie made…

It is actually a remake, there was a movie series made a long time ago, use to watch it when i was a kid. Alota people dont know it, but alot of charicters are based off biblical people. I dont know all the details of howso, but like the sons of adam and daughters of eve and shit. I wanna see it, looks awsome glad to hear it was good.

Awesome, ive been wondering if this was as good as it looked in the trailer. :tup: Ill have to get out to see it soon

:tup: I liked it alot.

Yeah im pretty sure it was the BBC that put it out. I dont remember it at all but i know it existed…Either way I am looking forward to this movie.

I agree with Rx3. Great movie and very good special effects. Definitely reminded me of LOTR.

I really want to see it. I remember the animated movie when I was a kid (called the lion the witch and the wardrobe). Mr. tumdnis (sp) rocks lol

Jeg, you are correct… it is very biblical in a subtle way

I love that series of books, can’t wait to see the movie. :tup:

thank you for your input ":tup: defini checking this movie out

the chronicles was the only series of books that i actually read all through grammar school. and the only one i would reread now as a college student…i cant wait to check it out

tomorrow @ flix.

what time?

i would never compare it to LOTR, but it was ok, seems more like a kids movie to me, it woulda been worth the 5 bux at flix , butwasnt worth my 850 at regal

Not comparing it to LOTR in terms of scope of story, just quality of special effects.

again i would never compare it to LOTR, more to HP series

nor equal

Just saw it. It was pretty good, I wouldnt say LOTR good, but good.

ive heard from others that really read the book, that it is said to be parallel to the bible’s characters.

asslath or whatever the lion - jebus
queen - satan
3 kids - diciples

but i doubt it, now-a-days everyone says ohh its baised off the bible, i dont know about that, cause then u could say so is almost everyother good vs bad movie.

the one thing that made me think of that was when the lion gave his life for his followers and came back to life. ehh i thought that was gay in the movie.

btw - mufasia > this lion

The Chronic of Narnia VIDEO