Cindy McCain v.drifting

Lmao Thats Sickkk!!

Never would have believed it, she seems like such a tight ass.

That being said, Obama is the only way for that country to go if they don’t want to end up having the GDP of Nambia.

^^^true. And I agree with you Obama all the way!!! not because he is black, he is very smart and his views on health,education and oil are very good. Mc Cain and Bush are two side of a coin.

im getting a dual citizen ship and voting hahaha

this is sick … but i have a feeling this is fake lol. Some scheme that Mc Cain and his party came up with to win the elections as a last resort. lmfao:P

i just watched this…ssiickk!!!..well now hes running for vp…vp all the way.

I 2nd her for prime minister! :smiley:

whos running for vp? dude i think you are confused…

You are all confused. Obama - Biden vs Mccain - Palin. Thats Mccains wife.

oh ahp…my bad.

oh my, first lady dorifto…

I’d vote for her old man.,…

what!!! because she is into drifting you will vote for her old man!!! I can not believe some of you guys. And some of you will hit her? Look at her she is ugly and old.

The major problem with the USA is exactly this. People will vote for anyone because they seem cool.

According to polls, the main reason people voted for Bush was because “he seemed like a cool guy to have a beer with”.


hahahaha thats weird

Thats because everyone knows no matter who you pick, your fucked

Ya was not expecting that I’m like WTF is this bitch doing interviewing in front of a Sil80?

That is intense though.

Didn’t McCain do some time in a Jap war camp or some shit LOL.

hahaha I bet they will build one in Camp David… LOL…

Supposedly that’s her S13…Awesome.

McCain was a Vietnam POW.