Citi Bank?

Dude… how the FUCK did you get accepted to RPI!!! for real… i had lots of friends go there… but they were actually smart.

Open a bank account. Cash check. Easy as that. Doesn’t matter what bank

My dealings with Nick have been good, but this made me really :lol


Someone make a poster of this:

  1. google Citibank.
  2. find and call several, no one picks up.
  3. ask shift for help finding one.
  4. get made fun of for not using google.
  5. say fuck it, go to some of those locations and find no citibank.
  6. go to citi financial which i find by shear luck, get told that citibank no longer exists within 100 miles.
  7. say fml, feel like a tard.
  8. have lols on shift.

I won’t look for citi banks anymore.


Get a bank account… on Citibank’s very own “Citibank Locator” conveniently located on their website, they clearly show that the “locations” are all ATMs and there are no branches in our area.

sefcu or capcom is some good advice…

Nick, on a side note, do you have a For Sale sign on the rear passenger window of the BMW?

I saw an older 80’s BMW, same color, at the Jewish Community Center yesterday (on Whitehall Rd. in Albany) as I was going to my car from finishing my softball game.

Edit in a /PJB or face a neg. It’s your choice

Its not for sale.

Oh okay. Thing looked clean so I thought it was yours because IIRC you just got one from another member on here that was in good shape.

Gotcha :lol

yea I got mine from mcbitchin for the vr4. Im shocked the vr4 hasnt been spotted since he puts just as many miles on it as i did haha

how the mother FUCK do you not have a bank account? Do you live in Bizzaro world?