civic wont start

hooked up the cables to the civic over the weekend and attempted the first start on it. The starter wont even turn over, getting good voltage to it. i have not yet grounded my tranny though. questions is, will the starter crank if the tranny is not yet grounded??

Hondas love the grounds…

yeah and theyre are starting to piss me off. grrrrr

whenever I have had a problem with my car starting, it has always been a ground. Check the one on your valve cover.

that one is good. i havent put in the tranny ground yet, and the starter bolts onto the tranny housing, so im thinking that is the problem

Just a few months ago, I swapped my head - the valve cover ground wasn’t hooked up, and even though the tranny strap was good, it wouldn’t even try to turn over. Don’t rule it out.

ill check on both

I know Toda has a probblem with a car not starting before and it was the valve cover ground…

yeah im almost positive that it is the problem

grounds that are a must:

  1. tranny ground
  2. 2grounds total 4wires to the thermostat housing. <—very important
  3. valve cover ground, however i have yet to see one really cause any problems.

get these 3 hooked up and she should turn over.

yeah im gonna check on the grounds this week. hopefully she’ll crank this weekend. thanks for the input fellas

as i suspected it was ground, its cranking now. just gotta finish up some more things and this puppy is gonna run [crosses fingers]. thanks fellas