Civil Suit Lawyers - Non Traffic Related

Anyone have a good lawyer they recommend for civil suits?

My sister was hit over the head with a metal pipe 3 times, spent 6 hours in the hospital, and recieved 10 staples in her head last week by two guys who took her purse and ran.

They ended up catching the one guy who hit her over the head and caught him after he booked a hotel room downtown with her credit card and was found in the room by police with her cards and was also with his girlfriend who completely blew him in.

She is looking to recover medical bills, missed work all weekend which she has pay stubs to prove her typical earnings, and also is wondering how to go about recovering the cost of items that she stated in the police report such as her camera and purse.

Any help would be great. I know a lot of you guys have contact info for lawyers for traffic court but need some info on one who would handle this type of case.

Also, are legal frees recoverable in a civil suit?

You can sue for legal fees, actual damages, and punitive damages. It is the punitive damages where the big $$ comes in to play.

wow what kind of fucking retard steals a CC and then rents a room with it, then stays in it the night of the crime?

The same kind of retard that would hit a girl in the head with a pipe and steal a CC.

Most criminals are not too smart.


omg dude thats terrible, where did this happen?

Right next to Canisius around 10pm. She was walking from her car on the street where she lives on the phone with her boyfriend. Two guys walked at her and stopped in front of her and one pulled out a metal pipe and she tried to duck and got hit in the head 3 times. Amazingly she stayed conscious and they grabbed her purse and ran. She managed to make it to a neighbors house and called the ambulance.

The police report has the details of her purse and camera including model number but she is really wondering what she needs to do to prepare to try to recover some of the costs back. What information does she need to prove what was actually taken in her purse? Just really hoping to find a layer who can handle this and help her do what she needs to do.

You aren’t going to get shit from someone who mugs and steals… not even costs, they don’t have anything. Don’t bother.

The guy might be a minor and live at home so isn’t there a possibility of going after the parents?

YUP… but still the parents are probably scum too… can’t hurt to try though…

The phone and whatever was stolen is going to be hard…

As for the medical, paychecks, and emotional distress/physical distress/etc is where she can try and get some $$ for it.


Morons. Before she goes through all the hassle of a lawsuit she should probably weigh the chances of every collecting money from the guy. She’ll probably win in court, get a judgment against the guy, then never see a penny because you can’t get blood from a stone.

A good lawyer + Bank account freeze + Wage Garnishment = WIN

That is why I am hoping someone can put her in touch with a decent laywer who handles these cases and can look at this and let her know if its worth going after and what she can expect and such.

Thanks for the info so far.

Until he relizes that just taking someone elses identity makes things easier for him.

Heh… wage garnishment… the guy hit a women in the head with a lead pipe then proceeded to use the stolen credit card for a hotel to stay in. I have a feeling a steady job isn’t part of his 5 year plan.

they can give her 20% of everything he steals from here on out :tup:

Ya that was my issue. Two kids who are walking down a street and need to hit a girl on a cell phone over the head to take her purse dont come across to me as people with a bright future or privileged life or having much of anything.

Can you garnish welfare checks?

lol i sure hope so