Traffic Lawyer

I cant find the thread, but who knows an amazing lawyer. Ive got 10 points and a pending ticket for 2 more. now after 11 in NYS you loose your lisence… SOOO I need a lawyer to help me get this one reduced like WOAH.

Who knows one… Please help

JClark knows a good one

Gene Horan 783-6049

I have used Tocci Parker Tocci many time. He got my a slap on the wrist when I was 16 for running from the police (2 mis. and 3 regular tickets - reckless driving, reckless endangerment, unsafe passing, speeding, and speeding in a workzone). I got 3yrs probation and had to pay a fine for one of the misdemeanors. Granted I was 16 and that probably played a role (young kid, makes mistake) but I’d go to him any day.

They are on Central Ave near Colonie Center. Google em.

Add defensive driving to the list :slight_smile:

Gene horan is who I use, great lawyer

+1 for Jeane

+2 for jeane

+3 for Jeane.

(I have no idea who she is but I just like the name Jeane)


Your insurance must be retarded!

Thanks guys. ill have to give a call. Is it like an office or what…

Yeah right across from Vlads mobil on Albany Shaker road. Next to that place that sells skidsteers and loaders and what not.

JClark, Justin McGrath, and I use Andrew Jacobs. 518-477-5408.

well whos gotten out of the most trouble? and which lawyer. lol

Its at Halfmoon Court btw

A license is for someone that stops

I need mine for my job!

I have zero points, and 9 tickets in two years…
best bet is to research what law firm represents the town in some matters, call them…if they cant do it, they refer to a close associate. Its really basic logic. Sometimes you can easily find out what law firm the Judge worked for before being a judge, and call them. Just got a 57 in a 30 reduced to a 1207A (no points) and a $150 fine. Well worth it. I didnt even leave my house, all done with a plea.

Jammer, come into my work one day… Havent seen you in awhile bud

I’m waiting for my cut of the action! LOL… see, told ya I’d take care of ya. Glad your well liked there.

Yeah Man I appreciate it…

You and fuckin Tom man… you both kill me, everytime me and tom talk were like an old married couple… and your like the big smartass brother haha