Another ticket, lawyer(Traffic Ticket Agent) recommendation?

Come to think about it long and hard, it’s not really a BS, I should just name the title “Another ticket…” but I can’t edit the title so off it goes.

About now is the time I gotta take action for my careless driving ticket
I got 5 months ago. It was a single vehicle collision in the tree which f*d me up pretty bad, I just pretty much finished recovering from my third surgery. To me,
it’s a bit harsh what the officer did, when the EMS was trying to find my veins for the blood transplant because i lost so much, I was lying there half awake and this guy comes up. Officer Shay OPP Caledon asking me how fast I was going, I told him 80 and he went on and on and on. That was all between me and the officer, he felt more like a mosquito disturbing sleep on a summer night. 3 months later careless driving summon comes through from court. I remember that day, my pelvis is still broken, and still have urine drainage bag attached, I think it’s the nurse so I kill myself getting up and open the door, it’s some person delivering court notices… It was a 60km/hr zone, I thought it was 80 because all the roads around that road is 80, but still I got the news in black and white.

Anyways, is there anyone you can recommend? Is 500 a reasonable budget for this or am i lowballing too much? I’m more than willing to pay more, but that’s just what I’d hope it falls around. Can’t cops these days just understand accidents happen? The cop didn’t even know how bad my injuries were after he got kicked out by the doctors, I had to be airlifted for fuck sakes. Anybody know this Officer Shay guy? O yeah, he took my wallet from the EMS as a collateral, he says he’ll give it to me when i come give him a statement. WTF one lawyer i talked to said he’s not even allowed to do that but w.e

I use redline legal defends, there really good. Ask to speak to Forge, tell him Rory sent you.

they’re hella famous guys eh? a lot of people I talk to recommend me them. He offered me 800 for the ticket but I guess it’s worth it. He’s the only lawyer that I talked to though, he was the one that told me cops are not allowed to hold my wallet like that, anyways I’m going to call a bunch tomorrow so thought i’d take some recommendations. Anyone else? thanks

how old are you
you should search it online and do this yourself
unless you have the money to pay somebody
if you show up u can get it reduced urself by talking to the prosecutor
you just bragain with the prosecutor and explain to him/her wat happened
after that he/she should offer you a lesser charge with a lesser fine and a lower amount of deducted points
i got into and accident and the same thing happened where i got a careless ticket
when i went to court i got it reduced to a failure to turn to avoid collision from careless and only 3 points not 6
and the fine was $110
all that on my own
the only reason to pay someone is if that “lawyer” can guarantee you wont pay anything in fines and the case will get withdrawn
wat these so called lawyer do, we can all do ourselves

that is correct! i got a speeding ticket 200km/h on the 407 ( this happened before the new speeding law by the way) and i paid a lawyer 750 bucks! all they did was get me 20km/h less! i still got 900 dollars fine plus 6 points! so yea unless they garantee a win or its free… just do it yourself!

why does the judge keep telling me to get one though does anyone know?

I don’t know how they are for a more serious offence like this, but I would NEVER hire one of those clowns for something like a speeding ticket. When I was fighting mine, I got to see first hand how they work. They take the offer that the prosecutor gives to EVERYONE, even me, and it’s the same offer, drop it to 15 over. Not only that, they get their cases grouped, so they don’t have to waste more than 2 minutes of their precious time. I was disgusted by how little effort they put in, they just take your money and don’t put in the tiniest amount of effort to help you out.
Sorry for the rant, but be very careful about giving your money to someone to represent you, most of them do a piss poor job.

Solarian I totally agree with you. What most places will do is guarantee you a win, then they will take the offer you get at your first attendance, they consider this a win, so they did their part and you pay for this bullshit service.
A moron could do what they do for free.

Thats why I recommended the agent I use,forge@ redling ledal. A good friend of mine has had over 40! tickets go threw them only 1 was successful and that was because he crashed and signed a statement the cop got from him. But even then they had it brought down from careless driving to improper lane change. weather or not my friend is an idiot is besides the point here. I have used them about 4 times now, my record is perfect. I’ve told about 3 other people about them and so far perfect.

If I was you I would seriously consider calling them and going in and having a chat with forge he will talk to you about all your options and even give you advice if you decide to take it on yourself. It won’t cost you a thing so why not know more? Insurance can get pricey fast, but so can these guys they are by no means cheap, but you learn you lesson fast.