Clark returns to the 'lo (Formerly: TheWhiteRabbit on YouBarf)

:hay:Hola! (That’s how they say Hello in Arizona)

I worked with Hackers in Phoenix, it was pretty (k-)rad. Our office looked like a mini-mission-control. Plasma screens, satellite feeds, unlimited cosmic power, you know… the usual.

To many n00bs on NYSpeed don’t know the myth of the white rabbit :frowning:

Don’t let my revolutionary politics scare you, I’m really a nice guy.

p.s. I didn’t come up with the idea, I was just the only one with the skills to accomplish it.
p.p.s. I did return the domains when I was done. :-p

p.p.p.s. That was when I was an impressionable and arrogant freshmen in college, I’m not the same person I was then.

Careful. If you say “politics” one more time you’re going to have this guy “JayS” up your ass…

Elephants are always closet homos…

No homo


i do remember the name whiterabbit… but not much else than that. welcome back


clark diggy

gotta go boarding this winter

why move back to here from phoenix?

Haha, I remember the .com, haha.

What’s up dood

:picard: I don’t even want to ask…

Oddly enough I own :lol:

maybe someday, when you’re older, someone will tell you the story of .com

i remember .com


I think most people remember .com, it was the shit.

Phoenix is a wannabe LA, it’s got no soul.
Plus, atleast I can go boarding in the winter here. You can’t do shit outside in 115 degree heat. Lastly, I heard that NYS has the best automotive forums.

I should have made my handle thedotcom, but notoriety wasn’t my goal. Like I said, I’m not the same dude.