Clinton News Network at it again...

More CNN news…

This is for you CNN lovers that call it FAUX news.:slight_smile:

OMG Google and CNN are plotting against the republicans!!!

waa… they should be able to answer anything thrown at them and not just “what’s your opinion of about teh cuteness of kittens”

If thats all you got on CNN you got some catching up to do when compared to FOX News.

Election 2008

Fox News vs. CNN

I can’t wait for the slanderous ads

Had Carl Rove had a bunch of Republican supporters post several questions for the Democrat YouTube debate you can’t tell me you wouldn’t all be crying foul the next day.

It’s pretty minor either way, but if it was the Republican’s doing you know CNN would be crying about it.

This is why I get my news from both CNN and Fox. Both of them are biased by by reading both sides you can usually tell where the truth is.


waa… they should be able to answer anything thrown at them and not just “what’s your opinion of about teh cuteness of kittens”


seriously… why should they only answer the kind of questions they want? He’s an American who has the same ideas as many other Americans, why does his political party matter?