
on the new house today. :itr41: Now it’s time to unbox everything and start working on the new house. :doh:

woohoo!! congrats

Unboxing sucks. Try to work overtime so you don’t have to do it. :slight_smile:

just leave them boxed… thats what you have kids for… just wait a few years, it will get done

Yeah that’s what Jeff did!! We still have some unpacked boxes in the attic - mostly his stuff. Maybe I should just pitch them.

hahahaha :owned:

if its car parts I will be more then glad to come and get them.

Damn it, why did she have to sign up here? What I meant was, if you’re lucky your wonderful wife will unpack them for you. :angel:

Yeah - or you can try saying things like - “I don’t know where you want things” “You’ll probably move it anyway” “I’ll stick to the garage since I know where those things go” “Call me when you need something moved”

You should refrain from things like “You don’t have anything else to do” & “You can do it while the girls are sleeping”

no more pool :down:

congrats, hell i moved over a year ago and still have no clue where most of my stuff is

Same here!

:rofl: @ Jeff and Jeff’s wife talking trash on the web, vtecsol not knowing where anything is, and Whitey saying let the kids do it.

The 2 closings combined took 4.5 hours. :eek4: