Thank you (Pewter, Brad, Joel)

Welp I just wanted to say thanks to Brian for letting me unload a bunch of wood at his place (Hope you enjoyed your beer and limes). Also Joel and Brad for busting there ass all day yesterday. Also would like to thank shaggy for “escorting” us to the burn hole :smiley: .

Anyways since it was nice and I havn’t done anything except remodel the bathroom last september, I decided I should take advantage of the nice weather and new truck to start tearing shit down to make way for my new carport (as long as everything goes ok with the planning commision). This summer i am Building a 22 foot wide x 18 foot deep car port to house jenn;s car and the truck. Along with that I will be tearing down my old shed and putting up a new one along with fencing in my yard with a 6 foot wooden fence for privacy.

Here are the before pcitures.

And here are the afters (After 10 am till 9pm of working yesterday). Let me reiterate the fact that if I ever find the old fuck who owned this place before me, he is getting beat down…

Thanks again guys.

PS - I guess now that my bed is scratched its offically broken in :smiley:

build a garage!!!

build a garage made out of lots and lots of cushy egg styrofoam…

:gaysex: ???

can;t build a garage there (thats what I originally wanted to do) because penn hills has some stupid zoning shit where on our side of town garages have to be attched to the house :ugh:

They have some of the dumbest ordinances in the world.

ordinances suck ass

Run a 1 brick high wall from the garage to your house… technically that would make it attached :kekegay:

I have seen that done before. Someone put a fence between their garage and house. The fence was 6 ft wide to attach the garage to the house. Then the twp cannot say anything. It is worth a shot. Talk to your planning comission and ask them.

I am not doing that since the parking area is to the right and back of the property.