clutch brake swap help

I need some help installin a clutch and flywheel. I havent done this before so would appreciate it if someone with experience could help or guide me through it. Is it inadvisable to attempt it? I also am upgrading my brake to q45 ones and putting coilovers on the front. Can anyone help me out with these. Would be greatly appreciated and i would also try and compensate as best as i can. I would have gotten a shop to do it but cant find one that will do it for a reasonable amount. Alternately if someones got a shop space and could help me do it for a reasonable price.

Where are you located? I could guide/help you through it.

I am in North York near Keele and Finch. Thanks Blue s13.

I’m located @ Keele & Rutherford, I just haven’t gotten around to finding out when’s a good time to do it…I want it done in a day with no down time after that, but Tuesday, Friday seem to be the best days for me too man!