Clutch pedal equivalent

Does any one know if there is another car that shares the same clutch pedal assembly as the s13 or the s14

mayabe a 300zx. but id go with what ever ur car is so s13= s13 s14=s14.
since its somethiing u use all the time you dont want it messing up on you.

That’s the worst reply i’ve ever seen thanks for telling me that a s13 will work on a s13, i didnt know that, oh and a 3z doesnt work even thought it may seem the same

why do you want something other than an S13/S14 pedal?

how much money can you possibly save by getting another clutch pedal and clutch pedal bracket from another car? You’ll save a few bucks and you’ll have crooked pedals (assuming they even fit).

Stick with the S13 or S14 ones.

go to a junkyard find a s13

get the pedal…

or wait and you can find one on son here

get one from a skyline gtr, the clutch pedal is a lot nicer and feels better.

Buddy read it again. i said if ur car is a s13 go get a s13 pedal and if its a s14 go gt a s14 pedal.

wow this thread is so fuckin helpfull! doesn’t anyone assume that if i’m asking i obviously don’t have an s13 pedal and can’t find any local scrap yards that have 240’s oh and you can’t buy them from nissan aswell so my question has merite. Why would you assume that i’m trying to save a few bucks. Instead of attacking my reason for the question how about telling me if there is one or if you don’t know don’t type a thing because I don’t like reading your posts as much as you obviously enjoy leaving them. Thanks to Fobwall the only one that actually gave a response that was of any relevance.

Ok so then listen to him and see what happens.

It jsut proves how smart you are. why would you cheap out on something as importtant as a clutch pedal.

if your going to start a thread be ready to take the opinions of everyone. and dont be a baby about it.

where are you located? last time I was at Cookstown Auto Wreckers, they had about 5 of them…

what the hell are you talking about (born2beaskyline) i’m not cheaping out I can’t get one do you read? i wasn’t looking for peoples inquiries into why i was asking, just to see if there was another car that used the same part number because nissan cant get them anymore in canada or japan. Ifyou don’t have anything usefull to add don’t post. either way anything you post i wouldn’t take as credible information from now on because of your recent replies.

lacated in montreal

lol and i care because?

I’m Amazed By Your Stupidity And Would Love To Make Your Acquaintance

ez frenchieee.

Catchin e feelings. hahah.

welcome to son. now you see why it drives ppl to substance abuse.

(me for one.)

my best advice is to find someone doing a partout and get it off them. are you looking for the whole assembly or just the pedal? it may look wired/fit wired but u may be able to put the whole assembly from another car into the s13. and if your that desperate you may be able to take and heat/bend a brake pedal (assuming all you need is the pedal) to work. iv never seen any of this done but it sounds ok in theory

but think about it, how often will you be using ur clutch pedal. would you trust using another pedal that wasnt made for your car?

dude just grab one from an s13, it will be like $5 from a scrap yard. enough with all this. done and done.

Your located in montreal and you cant find a pedal? I have a hunch your not looking hard enough. A clutch pedal is carefully designed to fit that compartment and work with the foot movement with that seating position. Born2beaskyline is giving you his opinion on what you should do so you save yourself a headache for a part like that you have to get the same thing. There might be people out there who have changed it but I dont see a point. If your driving a ferrari and your pedal breaks are you gonna be like ohh i cant FIND a spare pedal in the scrap yard so ill put in a mustang pedal or some shit no your not. Hes saying it for your own good dont get so offended and get offensive. Get off your ass and find a pedal… Ive been to montreal you gotta be retarded if you cant find a scrap 240 in that city.