CNC Machining a billet compressor wheel

Sick! Sorry if it’s a repost.

thats amazing

So cool.

SO sick

CNC is one of my favorite industrial processes. i LOVE how stainless and aluminum looks after it’s been cut like that. the surface comes out so awesome, even if its not polished out.

Such a cool process, can definately see where the pricetag come from!!

haha, yea. 25+hrs of machine time kind of runs that tag up just a little, bit. i’ve seen a custom rim cut out in that much time.

thats sick !

HOLY SHIT. Good post man.

siiick. good post

Holy fucking feed in the beginning. That’s why I love cutting aluminum and brass. Shit cuts like butter.

If you’ve never done any machining/programming it’s hard to appreciate how truly amazing those tool paths at the end are. Incredible machine work. Love shit like this.

my dad’s been doing cad/drafting by hand/solid works/inventor for YEARS now. i know how that process works. its amazing to watch it work, esp towards the end.

Definitely dude. Even just watching the program run in mastercam is cool as fuck. Actually putting something on a machine and watching it run at 100% rapid, mind blowing.

I had to show it to my dad. He’s somebody that appreciates that kind of thing. He was saying that this machine would be able to produce an actual realistic rose flower from a block of aluminum and im like :open_mouth: OHSHIT! that would look EPIC

meh, couple tens at best there. big feed is making nutty trochoidal cuts at full cutter depth in hardened steel or inconel.

watch this vid

Look at the color of the chips flying off the cutter…no coolant either :wink: 95% of the heat is expelled through the chips themselves and not into the tooling/spindle.

Here’s a big 625 blisk being cut

Crazy cuts right there. Tons of heat turning those chips brown and blue. I still prefer to cut and watch brass/alum being cut. It’s just more fun.

Machining non-ferrous material definitely looks cleaner, especially 7075.

we have almost that exact same machine at my work. We make quite a few of our own milled wheels exactly like the one shown. It is def. pretty awesome to watch it do its work.

Is it weird that I fist-pumped through the entire 1st video?? :lol

Where do you work?