
what the hell does blinded by “pure liberal anti anything” even mean?! I don’t even know how you can write things without realizing how stupid the shit that comes from your brain actually is. it’s funny that you use that face all the time when replying to my posts, because that’s just how I picture you.

Do you even know what “conservative” means?

FOX news, as far as I can remember, has never been a decent news source. Definitely not a decent news “scorce,” that’s for sure. it’s really just a news SHOW to entertain the masses.

If you want to be informed for once… instead of just spewing out ridiculous statements that lack any real basis… watch a good documentary which uses actual broadcasts of that station to prove that their hypothesis that it isn’t “fair and balanced” at all. it’s called “OUTFOXED”
rent it and be amazed by the truth. you really need some.

Yeah, I usually check out both and, read the main stories on both, and figure that the truth is somewhere between the two.

I prefer to just pull out all the saved clips I have of “Rathergate” and watch CBS squirm after they basically made up news and threw in on the air. Nothing Fox has done even comes close to that.

Or then there was good old NBC/Dateline with the whole F150 gas tank explosion story. Try as they may they could not get the money shot of one exploding in a crash so they decided a model rocket motor attached to the tank and lit remotely would make for a real good “news story”.

My point? They all lie. And if you think one is any better than the other it’s only because their lies happen to backup your limited view of the real world.

I still think that MSNBC has the most balanced overall programming schedule, and that is why I watch it. Because Scarborough is one of the only conservative talking heads that I can stand listen to since he isn’t a total asshat like Oreily or hannity, shit even old Pat Buchanan is more honest than those fucksticks.

But is CNN to the left what Fox is to the right? No. Fox has openly far right shows, CNN doesn’t really have LIBERAL shows in the way fox has shows that cater to the right wing.