Cobra, this is wall. wall, cobra.

umm… none of which would cause the car to go sideways instantly.

even the e-brake is by hand in that car…

Which of those 3 things would force the car to spin out of control at 100_+

oh shit son…that sucks!!

umm… none of which would cause the car to go sideways instantly.

even the e-brake is by hand in that car…

Which of those 3 things would force the car to spin out of control at 100_+

well its not too clear as to how he managed to lose control like that, but ive driven a few cobras and if u shift it hard on stock suspension, theres nothing stopping the ass end from sliding(pretty much all the way through third gear), dude is prolly pushin the limits tryin to hit his best time…my guess is he lost it when he popped the clutch and couldnt hold the car from spinning. If he knew how to drive he shoulda been able to stop the rear from sliding out from under him but he obviously sucks, u could blame it on the combo of steering and clutch/gas in this scenario, but like i said, who knows if this is even wat happened

^^^^250th post…woohooo im a speeder now

:cry: man that really sucks…

I’ve driven a 600+ HP cobra, 500hp, and 450…and also stock.

Anytime I hit 3rd and the tires are spinning… I’m still in a straight line… and the ass end doesn’t dance that much. Also if the tires are spinning in 3rd… chances are your not going very fast, and your trying to beat up your tires.

I’m just saying his feet had litte or nothing to do with it, but we both agree neither of us has any idea why that asshole hit the wall anyways.


all I knowz is this: this isn’t the first vid I’ve seen of an out-of-control cobra, either. all the others were dry pavement and good conditions too. ken, careful with your whip man! :tup:

wonder what the estimate was on that repair - are mustang fenders bolt on or part of the roof structure?

im pretty shure you could pull something like that off:lol:

:word: the only time the ass end of my car went all over the place was when i was running my stock tires. with the bfg’s, if i do get some wheelspin the car stays straight as an arrow. obviously this guy wasn’t running the stock f1’s, so even if he did get some wheel spin he should have been able to keep control. however he might have hit some grease/oil or some other slippery substance under one of the wheels which could have probably caused him to lose control like he did. but who knows what possibly went wrong, sucks to see that happen though, still makes me :frowning:
