Cockpit View of Clutch Exploding

:wow :ahh

uhhhhh wow

made me jump a little bit :rofl

damn. Must have been a VRFail.

I would have shat a baby!! :lol

Wow. Thats pretty crazy.

Holy crap. no scatter shield?

Its an SFI approved car.

Imagine it without…



Wow, was he alright? Looks like a LOT of shit scattered into the cabin…

holy SHIT

yeah no bellhousing blanket, or tunnel armor, the guy would have no legs right now. there is a reason for SFI/NHRA regulations, and its not just to bust your balls and cost you alot of money. technically anyone with an aftermarket flywheel/clutch is supposed to have a bellhousing scattershield.

jesus that’s scary.

The sound afterwards is horrible sounds like motor and trans just balling togetherinto one tangle of solid metal

Getting out of that car in front of a crowd with moistened pants would ruin ones day

I tottally would of cried like a bitch and piss my pants severally .

I often piss my pants severally

was thinking the same thing man LOL

wow thats very scary

Thats fucking nuts